Well, hello there, Interwebs! How long has it been?
I apologize for the long silence. I've been busy and wrapped up in all kinds of things. We have moved, found a church, looked for houses to buy, visited friends and family, and generally lived our normal lives.
In all of that I think I almost forgot that God was leading us. But yesterday I remembered that even in the weirdness, it is good, because I knew God was leading us. I think that finally my anthem for this season will be Matt Redman's "Never Once." Not only because lyrically it is so appropriate, but because I heard it first at our new church. It is precious to me how God works that way, daisy-chaining the Bible verses, events, and songs that are significant, leading me by that chord of kindness.
Well, my sweet daughter is awake; I'm not sure why she slept in but am glad it was long enough for me to write.