Friday, August 03, 2012

According to James

Okay, so it is tax free weekend in Oklahoma, which means you can buy clothes and school supplies tax free.  Yay!

For me.  I don't need school supplies - wait, well, I do, actually.  Gotta think about that.

I was really thinking more about clothes.

I have been having "I have nothing to wear"  moments lately.  Mostly about tops.  And if I had kept myself in shape this wouldn't be an issue, but I seem to gain weight when I bake/cook a lot.  Or just don't exercise.

Anyhoo, I'd been thinking that I really might actually need to buy a few shirts this weekend.  So I can have something to wear.  Like what clothes are for.  So maybe I need to buy just a couple of plain t-shirts.  Yawn.

I've been studying James lately, and the topic of hoarding wealth was the focus of today's lesson.  I've really been pondering it.  Specifically, with regard to what there is to wear in the house.

I hope this is follow-able.  As I was thinking about this, my daughter was watching an episode of Thomas that focused on James.  The Thomas theme song tells us that "James is vain but lots of fun."  During this episode James was feeling particularly proud of his new paint and blacking etc.  He thought maybe Sir Topham Hatt was favoring him.  One of the other engines said to him, "Looking splendid isn't the same as being really useful."  I felt a bit convicted overhearing this.  Then James said, "But the best thing of all is to look really splendid and be really useful."  I laughed and agreed.  But I'm not sure I should.

I am purposefully writing this before the episode is over because I can't resolve this right now.  I just wanted to share what I'd heard from James.

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