Sunday, April 29, 2007

Ponder Anew

I've posted about "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty" before, but I'm coming back to it; it's one of my favorite hymns.

I'm doing what it says: "ponder[ing] anew / What the Almighty can do,/ If with His love He befriend" me.

I am pondering anew that the fact that can befriend me with His love means He is able to deal with my shortcomings. I suppose I often fail to believe Him, fail to be anxious for nothing, fail to rejoice always, because I am pretty sure that where I have fallen short I have dug myself a pit so deep He can't get me out.

I'm into taking things seriously. I take every kind of failure seriously. I need to ponder His love when I ponder my shortcomings or else I will not have faith that He can "prosper [my] work and defend [me]."

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