Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Pumpkin spice

I am actually in the drive thru of Starbucks to pick up a treat. There is a nice fall chill in the air. I was so encouraged by this this morning that I decided to just repost it.

As we transition from Summer to Fall, it's good to take some time to reflect on the ever-changing seasons of our lives. Often, we settle into a routine or comfort zone that suits us just fine until something completely unexpected happens, jolting us into a new season of life. God's Word encourages us to be content in all things. Psalms 118 says, "This is the day that the LORD has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it." Each day, every day, it would do our souls well to rejoice in the knowledge of Christ and the blessings He has so graciously poured out on us. We all trudge through difficult times, but if we can learn to keep our eyes on Jesus, placing our hope and our future in His hands, we will see the tough times as merely temporary. In this context, it's much easier to find joy and peace in each season, each day, each moment.

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