Sunday, October 07, 2012

To err is human...

Yesterday I texted a friend's husband a kissieface instead of a fist bump.   Fortunately they both let me live that down.  Today I was texting a girlfriend during church, meaning to text a different friend, who was not.  Fortunately she thought it was funny.  I'm not-a-doin-so-well with the texts.  I think this is a symptom of overload.  My brain is near to firing on all cylinders again, but it's not quite got the necessary power to handle the mental off-roading I've had to do.

That is why I am so desperate for the Lord's power in my life.  His power is made perfect in weakness.

What does that weakness mean?  Does it mean I can do fifteen things at once, by His power?  Sometimes I think I'm hypertasking out of lack of faith that doing just a few things well will be enough. I think one of the ways His power is perfected in my weakness is when, within the limits of my humanity, among the myriad options before me and investments I could spread myself thin, he targets me in one, maybe two, directions, and covers all the other bases for me, so the system doesn't overload.

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