Thursday, July 26, 2012


It has been in a thoughtful, though not unproductive, day. Learning new skills or adapting to change takes energy. I planned at one point to write a gripey post about how tired I am. Then I remembered that I ought to be thankful in all things. I am grateful for solutions to problems that come at just the right time. Like dinner tonight. I had some ground beef and noodles and was trying to figure out how to use said beef without serving a version of what I served last night (a sausage goulash). I recombined things in my mind with other available ingredients until I realized that I could serve this. Meatballs with chipotle ketchup and pasta primavera. I was really pleased that it turned out tasty, appealing, and a little bit special because of the ketchup (see prior post about making ketchup). My husband made a point to teach my daughter to thank me for cooking and for always keeping them fed.

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